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Batterilös IoT

Koordinator Uppsala universitet - Institutionen för informationsteknologi
Bidrag från Vinnova 500 000 kronor
Projektets löptid maj 2015 - januari 2016
Status Avslutat
Utlysning Utmaningsdriven innovation – steg 1 initiering

Viktiga resultat som projektet gav

The main goal of this project was to create a strong consortium that makes the Internet of Things practical by replacing batteries through the use of energy harvesting and backscatter. We have now formed a consortium with SMEs, large industrial partners and researchers as well as a strong reference group. We have selected smart houses / buildings as the focus area for the project´s next phase since we have seen a lot of industrial interest and potential in that domains.

Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas

The result of this project is a strong consortium in batteryless Internet of Things with a focus domain of smart housing and smart buildings. We have created a good understanding of the needs of the industrial partners and there are quite some synergies between the partners that allow for a smooth and successful second phase of the project.

Upplägg och genomförande

We have followed the approach outlined in the proposal with external workshops (at SUST as a breakfast meeting and at SICS) followed by meetings with interested industrial partners. This strategy has worked very well and together with out existing partners we were able to put together a strong project consortium.

Texten på den här sidan har projektgruppen själv formulerat. Innehållet är inte granskat av våra redaktörer.

Senast uppdaterad 28 maj 2016

Diarienummer 2015-00394

Statistik för sidan