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Regional & Cluster Competitiveness in the Baltic Sea Region

Publisher: BSR Stars/StarDust

Bokomslag Regional & Cluster Competitiveness in the Baltic Sea Region

Regional & Cluster Competitiveness in the Baltic Sea Region

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The Cluster Observatory offers guidance for fact-based microeconomic policies in Europe. This report gives a comprehensive review of the competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region, focusing on four cluster areas: ICT, Cleantech, Healthcare and Maritime. With solid facts covering regional framework conditions and cluster strengths and weaknesses, policymakers and practitioners can develop better strategies, and ultimately build more successful innovation projects within BSR.

This Regional & Cluster Competitiveness Monitor has been commissioned by Vinnova, and is part of the Stardust project within the BSR Stars programme.

Read more at bsr-stars.eu

BSR Stars/StarDust
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Senast uppdaterad 15 december 2022

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