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Analysis Framework for Safety Systems and Services

Koordinator Aktiebolaget Volvo - TEKNISK UTVECKLING
Bidrag från Vinnova 3 102 158 kronor
Projektets löptid maj 2013 - maj 2016
Status Avslutat
Utlysning Trafiksäkerhet och automatiserade fordon - FFI
Slutrapport 2013-01306eng.pdf(pdf, 1154 kB) (In English)

Syfte och mål

1. A general structure of the envisioned safety evaluation framework and the key requirements on its components 2. A survey the state-of-the-art for existing data sources, methods and tools that can be used as components in the safety evaluation framework 3. A adaptation of existing methods and tools to fit into the framework and develop new methods and tools to fill the gaps identified in (1) 4. A demonstration of the application of the framework to the evaluation of a set of selected safety systems and services and update the framework based on potential problems.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

A structured framework for traffic safety evaluation in including several detailed reports. EUC 1a: Following up the safety performance of Volvo Group trucks over time reporting and database systems). EUC 1b: Understand which Safety System or Service has the highest potential benefit for heavy goods vehicles on specific markets EUC 2-4: Definition of target scenarios and use cases, predictive (prospective) safety/cost benefit assessment EUC 5: Evaluating the safety performance of a customer fleet or specific systems/services

Upplägg och genomförande

The key objective of the EFrame project was to develop a generic framework for safety evaluation and to demonstrate this framework on a set of representative safety evaluation problems. As such, the project objectives have clearly been met. However, the eventual impact of the framework will depend on the extent to which it is actually being deployed in actual development and in further academic research . Analysis was done in simulations, evaluation of the use cases and in-depth interviews with the four major Swedish insurance companies.

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Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2013-01306

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