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Våra e-tjänster för ansökningar, projekt och bedömningar stänger torsdagen den 19 september kl 16.30 för systemuppdateringar. De beräknas öppna igen senast fredagen den 20 september kl 8.00.

Innovations for sustainable health and social care

Value-creating health and social care processes based on patient need

Bokomslag Innovations for sustainable health and social care

Innovations for sustainable health and social care

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Through this publication, Vinnova wants to publicise a project that was funded under the “catalyst programme” from 2005-2008. This project area is considered politically important and receives special emphasis in the Swedish “IT Strategy for Health and Social Care”. The project described the prospects of a “value-creating health and social care process” and since its conclusion has resulted in good, interesting ideas and solutions. It also highlighted pressing areas for ongoing research.

Sweden is still at the stage of not having successfully developed sustainable IT systems and e-services which can support changes in the patient’s role and good, interconnected health and social care for the patient.

Vinnova’s therefore poses the question: What are the causes?

For Swedish version see "Innovationer för hållbar vård och omsorg" (Vinnova Rapport VR 2009:21).

VR 2010:02
Sune Andreasson & Monica Winge
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Senast uppdaterad 15 december 2022