Tillförlitlighetscentrerat underhåll (RCM) för automatiserade gruvmaskiner
Diarienummer | |
Koordinator | Luleå tekniska universitet - Avd Drift, underhåll och akustik |
Bidrag från Vinnova | 500 000 kronor |
Projektets löptid | september 2015 - mars 2016 |
Status | Avslutat |
Utlysning | SIP Swedish Mining Innovation -Strategiska innovationsprogrammet för Gruv och Metallutvinning |
Viktiga resultat som projektet gav
The aim of this research project is to study the feasibility of applying Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) in automated mining machineries. The objective of this project is to improve the reliability and availability of automated mining systems by preventing unexpected failures and optimising predictive maintenance to achieve the safety with lowest life cycle cost using RCM methodology.
Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas
- The state of the art of RCM implementation in different other industries - Maintenance challenges in automated mining machinery - Developing a new approach to select the most critical subsystems of machine - Suggesting a guidelines for RCM implementation in automated mining machinery
Upplägg och genomförande
The suggested guideline will be applied and implemented in full scale project in the next step.