Metodologisk träning i biostatistik och epidemiologi för utvärdering av innovationer inom hälsa
Diarienummer | |
Koordinator | Karolinska institutet - Institutionen för medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik |
Bidrag från Vinnova | 100 000 kronor |
Projektets löptid | juni 2010 - augusti 2011 |
Status | Avslutat |
Viktiga resultat som projektet gav
The School aimed to provide introductory and advanced courses in epidemiology and biostatistics, as well as in Stata, a statistical software used in thiese fields.
Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas
The school ran from June 5-19, 2011. The courses were: Biostatistics I, Applied Linear Regression, Survival Analysis, Epidemiology I, Causal Inference, Applied Logistic Regression, Epidemiology II, Applied Longitudinal Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs, Biostatistics II, Clinical Trials, Evidence Based Public Health. We expect an impact on the future ability for Swedish health care professionals and policy makers to use and interpret the ready available sources for clinical evaluation and health technology assessment.
Upplägg och genomförande
The 2011 Summer School offered 12 (regular) + 6 (Stata) courses at introductory and advanced levels. Students could choose a total of two courses per week, and also choose between attending either one week or two weeks. The total number of student was around 90. The Stata® courses were extra courses and they were offered on Sunday. independent of courses from other. The Schedule was based on a four hour lecture in the morning plus a three hour labs/applied work in the afternoon, from Monday till Friday. Saturday morning was used mainly for review of the course and diploma ceremony.