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Metoder och mått för utvärdering av det automatiserade transportsystemets inverkan på samhället

Bidrag från Vinnova 530 000 kronor
Projektets löptid september 2016 - maj 2017
Status Avslutat
Utlysning Strategiska innovationsprogrammet Drive Sweden

Syfte och mål

The overall aim of the pre-study project was to, in a systematic and structured way, identify effects of transport automation and to put together methods for evaluation of these effects. The sociotechnical framework for analysis ´Human-Tech Ladder´ (HTL) was used. The specific aims of the project were to: use HTL to identify relevant measurements and methods; identify areas where relevant methods are missing and; to suggest possible approaches for new methods where relevant methods are lacking ... to evaluate the effects of an automated transport system

Resultat och förväntade effekter

The project contributed to increased possibilities of elucidating whether future research and societal efforts will render expected effects. The project contributed to new methodology to measure the effects of an automated transport system and offers Drive Sweden, its members and other stakeholders increased possibilities to evaluate R&D projects and efforts connected to automation of the transport system.

Upplägg och genomförande

During the project the Human-Tech Ladder was iteratively tested and also adapted into a “Human-Tech Matrix” where the system levels are used both vertically and horizontally with additional columns to describe metrics and methods. The matrix representation was found useful for mapping the influencing factors, effects, and associated methods and metrics.

Texten på den här sidan har projektgruppen själv formulerat. Innehållet är inte granskat av våra redaktörer.

Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2016-02648

Statistik för sidan