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CyReV (fas1) - Datasäkerhet för fordonssystem i en föränderlig miljö

Koordinator Volvo Technology AB - Volvo GTT
Bidrag från Vinnova 9 400 927 kronor
Projektets löptid april 2019 - december 2021
Status Avslutat
Utlysning Elektronik, mjukvara och kommunikation - FFI

Syfte och mål

Address the problem with how to detect and react to security incidents in vehicular systems. Conduct research on what needs to be done when a potential security problem is detected and develop methods for how to design resilient systems. Identify what means are necessary to enable post-event analysis and finding out the reasons as to why and how an intrusion has happened Tools and mechanisms useful in resilient designs identified. Literature reviews performed Useful security handling mechanisms found. Pre-injection analyses were evaluated.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

Insight into the state of current research frontiers in security and resiliency for vehicles and vehicular security. A reference architecture has been designed. Knowledge gained about how to react when security events are detected. Systematic literature reviews performed. Analysis of IDS systems and how to react when problems are detected. Intrusion detection for detecting security threats within the vehicle were analyzed. Four handling mechanisms were analyzed A multidimensional decision support framework for selection of sets of container monitoring techniques developed.

Upplägg och genomförande

Interview study performed. A reference architecture was developed, used to see how it can be used to mitigate security problems & tested with respect to performance and usability Data driven models for anomaly and intrusion detection developed. Select existing technologies from automotive and other fields analyzed. Interplay analysis based on a layered resilience framework performed. Data model for post-attack forensics developed Live forensics techniques based on machine learning developed Model-implemented fault and attack injection

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Senast uppdaterad 19 maj 2022

Diarienummer 2018-05013

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