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Våra e-tjänster för ansökningar, projekt och bedömningar stänger torsdagen den 25 april kl 16:30 för systemuppdateringar. De beräknas öppna igen senast fredagen den 26 april kl 8:00.

Bokomslag Impacts of the Framework Programme in Sweden
VA 2008:11
Erik Arnold, Tomas Åström, Patries Boekholt, Neil Brown, Barbara Good, Rurik Holmberg, Ingeborg Meijer, Bastian Mostert & Geert van der Veen - Technopolis group
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Vinnova, together with the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research and the Swedish Research Council Formas, was in 2007 instructed by the Swedish government to conduct an impact analysis of EU framework programmes for research and development at the level of industrial sectors and universities in the period 1990 to date.

A steering group with representatives from these research councils and agencies agreed on the foundation for the analysis. Vinnova coordinated the work in the steering group.

The impact analysis was conducted by Technopolis Ltd.

The study will hopefully inspire new policy action in the field of research and innovation on the national and the supranational level in Europe. The Swedish agencies will be inspired by the report.

Senast uppdaterad 15 december 2022

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