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Koordinator Leaderlab ApS
Bidrag från Vinnova 607 500 kronor
Projektets löptid januari 2014 - december 2015
Status Avslutat

Syfte och mål

The LAUNCH Nordic project cycle has involved 165 different Global, Nordic and Swedish organisations, out of which 65 have been private companies. This includes IKEA Group, Nike Inc., NASA, Novozymes, LEGO, KingFisher, H&M, and more. The platform has thereby presented the 19 selected innovators, and 4 Swedish, with a direct, globally based dialogue on what it takes to enter the value chain with their sustainable materials solution, as well as provided direct opportunities to engage in collaboration with companies otherwise difficult to access for companies of their size and maturity.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

The LN innovators represent novel solutions that directly address Swedish/ Global challenges, and all have the potential of significant positive impact on a more sustainable materials system. Solutions include cotton/polyester recycling, Circular economy business models, nutrients recycling, algal production, biodegradable resins, and more. All solutions with a strong commercial potential that provide solutions for current challenges in the value chain in materials - challenges that must be solved over the 5 years and where the LN Innovators have strong potential for growth.

Upplägg och genomförande

The project has been executed according to plan in relation to time, budget and organisation. The project has been structured around an executive board, acting as the steering group for the operational execution. The Steering group has consisted of partner representatives from IKEA Group, Novozymes, Kvadrat, The Danish EPA, The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Region Skåne. The collaboration with Region Skåne/Teknopol, now Innovation Skåne, has let to the later becoming co-operator in a planned future extension of LN leading to even stronger Swedish Innovator engagement.

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Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2014-02585

Statistik för sidan