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Implementering av en ontologi för syndromklassificering av djurhälsodata

Koordinator Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt - Avdelningen för epidemiologi och sjukdomskontroll
Bidrag från Vinnova 738 176 kronor
Projektets löptid november 2017 - december 2019
Status Avslutat

Viktiga resultat som projektet gav

This project aimed to implement an ontology of health surveillance into the framework of animal disease surveillance at the Swedish National Veterinary Institute (SVA). We were able to achieve this goal, while expanding the health data coverage to include also data from food safety and human diseases acquired through consumption of animal products. International collaboration with biomedical ontologies also focused on foodborne disease outbreak control was strengthened.

Långsiktiga effekter som förväntas

Thanks to the data annotation workflows created in this project, we will be able to publish the annual “Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden” not only as a textual report in PDF, but also as Linked-Open-Data (LOD), from the next report onwards (published yearly in June). This will allow these data to be reusable by humans as well as machines that is, these data will be usable in automated systems for epidemiological intelligence.

Upplägg och genomförande

Implementation of a framework for data annotation and LOD production based on an ontology faced a number of challenges. Technically, the tools available are not easily incorporated into the current practices within governmental agencies. But political and normative challenges were even greater. A solution was found by focusing on the data behind an already public report. The workflows implemented can now be gradually incorporated into further practices within the agency.

Externa länkar

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Senast uppdaterad 31 januari 2020

Diarienummer 2017-04830