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Household finance, systemic risk measurement and corporate funding: Effects of financial stability and regulation

Koordinator Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
Bidrag från Vinnova 7 001 000 kronor
Projektets löptid december 2012 - maj 2017
Status Avslutat

Syfte och mål

The project has been carried out as a joint cooperation of the Swedish House of Finance (SHOF) and the research department of Riksbanken. It has produced cutting hedge research in systemic risk on three areas of financial economics: Household Finance, Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

The project has been divided in a total of eleven subproject on which researchers of Riksbanken and SHOF have collaborated. The results span a wide variety of effects such as: the effect of housing on consumption and labor supply, the effect of corporate liquidity on export, the effect of valuation ratios on return skewness.

Upplägg och genomförande

The projects produced working papers and presentations for university seminars and international conferences. The analysis follows the highest cutting hedge scientific standards. It includes advanced panel data and time series econometric techniques as well as theoretical modeling in corporate finance.

Texten på den här sidan har projektgruppen själv formulerat. Innehållet är inte granskat av våra redaktörer.

Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2012-03963

Statistik för sidan