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Våra e-tjänster för ansökningar, projekt och bedömningar stänger torsdagen den 25 april kl 16:30 för systemuppdateringar. De beräknas öppna igen senast fredagen den 26 april kl 8:00.

Customized Carbon 3D Fabric Reinforcements for Composite Materials

Bidrag från Vinnova 2 000 000 kronor
Projektets löptid december 2011 - december 2015
Status Avslutat

Syfte och mål

This project´s aim was to verify the technical and commercial aspects of customized 3D fabrics for creating next generation composite materials. The goals concerned connecting the developments to three broad areas: (a) technology and material, (b) customer and market, and (c) products and applications. Customers confirming the new 3D fabric reinforced composites´ superior mechanical properties and higher suitability for primary load-bearing applications than other products fulfills the aim.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

A technology has been developed to produce customized 3D fabrics for reinforcing composite materials. Tests results show such composites having superior mechanical properties. Such advanced composites open possibilities in replacing wide range of metal components in various applications of the aerospace, aeronautical, automotive and engineering industries for further weight reductions while increasing safety.

Upplägg och genomförande

This verification project was conducted by running two interrelated activities in parallel: customer and market development together with technology and material development. Interactions with customers and the market/industry provided valuable inputs to guide the technology and material developments for creating customized 3D fabrics and composite materials thereof which are well-aligned to meet clear market needs.

Texten på den här sidan har projektgruppen själv formulerat. Innehållet är inte granskat av våra redaktörer.

Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2011-03388

Statistik för sidan