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Österlenprojektet: En gemensam vision för ett bättre, tryggare och mer medmänskligt slut på livet

Koordinator Palliativt utvecklingscentrum
Bidrag från Vinnova 279 885 kronor
Projektets löptid maj 2019 - februari 2020
Status Avslutat
Utlysning Social innovation
Ansökningsomgång Utveckla och testa en social innovation - steg 1 2019

Syfte och mål

With local stakeholders and community leaders in Simrishamn, our project team has developed and tested Skåne´s first attempt at a “compassionate community” - a global movement of communities which are committed to improving awareness, knowledge, and support around the issues of serious illness and grief. Milestones: Fostering a vibrant base of engagement among local leaders and citizens through arts and culture; creating a democratic method for community collaboration; consolidating the project agenda with needs and policies enumerated in the municipal omsorgsplan.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

1. A collaboration between stakeholders, community and municipal leaders has been made clear. 2. All citizens have been invited to participate in defining local needs and what support should be delivered. 3. Several hundred people have participated in project events which have used arts and culture as a means to open up conversation and reflection about death, dying, and grief. 4. Project goals have been aligned with the 2020 municipal omsorgsplan. 5. Community leaders and volunteers have agreed to develop a more effective and strategic coordination of volunteer services.

Upplägg och genomförande

In 2019, Österlenproktet has driven community development around end-of-life issues through three primary pathways: 1) engagement and awareness raising, 2) outreach through media, 3) building a strategic collaboration through bottom-up and top-down partnerships. After our test period, we were able to successfully formalize a partnership between community groups, the municipality, and the church under a coordinated support strategy addressing the local needs of frail, dying, and bereaved elders.

Externa länkar

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Senast uppdaterad 10 april 2020

Diarienummer 2019-01711

Statistik för sidan