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EUREKA CELTIC Internet of DevOps - IoD

Koordinator Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Bidrag från Vinnova 15 348 967 kronor
Projektets löptid december 2018 - december 2021
Status Avslutat
Utlysning Eureka-kluster medfinansiering

Syfte och mål

The IoD project aimed at addressing pain-points from large organizations in applying Continuous Integration (CI) methodologies and technologies for enhancing automation, lifecycle visualization tools, support for continuous developer feedback on software quality, and Big Data analytics of software development processes. The project focused on key application do- mains (from telecom & 5G applications, aerospace & defense industries, consumer electronics, and digital marketing sectors) with system examples.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

From a technical perspective, our consortium focused its joint efforts on prototyping and enhancing existing software assets according to the main DevOps pain-points identified by our industrial partners. These assets encompassed the support of crosscutting and application-agnostic DevOps services, semi-automatic configuration and deployments of development and monitoring tools, continuous and automatic testing, and information extraction for software-intensive applications. Finally, data analytics and machine learning technics were also implemented.

Upplägg och genomförande

Most of these assets have been successfully deployed for evaluation in our industrial part- ners’ software development pipelines, between Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 3 to 7. Significantly positive assessment results for addressing their main initial industrial business pain-points have been reported, in particular regarding data gathering and analysis capabilities to incite optimization in DevOps industrial processes, automatic deployment and verification of software on product devices, and increased efficiency in the analysis of massive amounts of data.

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Senast uppdaterad 29 januari 2024

Diarienummer 2017-05552

Statistik för sidan