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Secure eHealth over Android

Koordinator Acreo AB - Acreo AB, Kista
Bidrag från Vinnova 500 000 kronor
Projektets löptid december 2010 - december 2011
Status Avslutat

Syfte och mål

The technical aim of the project was to create a framework that could transfer patient health file records across the enormous number of existing non-compatible health record systems. This should moreover be done in secure way, and it should be enabled over an open platform such as Android. The idea was to bring together representatives from different sectors (ICT, security, health provider, public administration) to crossfertilize existing knowledge in order to educate each other and in turn attain results and knowledge that wouldn´t be achievable by a single partner.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

The initial goal which was fulfilled was to demonstrate parts of the framework in a functional demonstrator. The framework was outlined in a scientific paper produced during the project (Sven Heiberg, Peeter Laud, Sigurður Másson, Claus Popp Larsen: Secure mobile access to homecare patients data, ICEGOV 2011, 26-28 Sept, Tallinn, Estonia). The demonstrator showed secure access and health record retrieval from one data base to another. Such a function/service/framework is critically needed today and it will lead to smoother and safer administration in the health sector.

Upplägg och genomförande

The project brought together representatives the different sectors needed solve to problem with secure communication between different health record systems. 3 joint meetings were held at the main partners Cybernetica,Tallinn, Skyrr, Reykjavik and Acreo, Stockholm. The basic technical framework was outlined at an early stage of the project, and it was later refined during the course of the project. Work towards the prototype was done individually by the partners but with frequent phone conferences and mail correspondence. At the last joint meeting the prototype was demonstrated.

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Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2010-02481

Statistik för sidan