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Numerisk analys av dynamiska egenskaper av markfordon utsatta för sidvindbyar

Koordinator KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN - The Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design
Bidrag från Vinnova 1 738 572 kronor
Projektets löptid januari 2018 - februari 2020
Status Avslutat

Syfte och mål

The purpose of the project is to investigate dynamic characteristics of ground vehicles which are subjected to crosswind gusts by using coupled numerical simulations of aerodynamics and vehicle dynamics including driver model. Results of the project include detailed understanding of crosswind sensitivity of vehicles providing a numerical tool that reliably predicts crosswind sensitivity of vehicles in order to design less wind-sensitive vehicles at early stages of their design processes.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

Results present that consideration of the roll motion is essential in the crosswind analysis. Delay time in the steering input together with driver’s expertise is critical to overcome effects of the crosswind on vehicles. Driver efforts to alleviate effects of crosswind increase for crosswind lengths between 1.5 and 7 times the length of the vehicle. The results obtained improve state of art knowledge on the crosswind sensitivity of vehicles. They are expected to have impacts on the development of lateral disturbance compensation algorithms for autonomous vehicles.

Upplägg och genomförande

The project studies were implemented according to its work packages as given in work plan. The results have been disseminated through conference and journal papers together with public engagement activities. Accordingly, two conference papers have been prepared, one is published and the other one is submitted. Three journal papers are also prepared, one is submitted and the other two are prepared and will be submitted soon. Besides, six public engagement and five training activities were conducted. The project activities are published on, www.crosswind.gen.tr.

Externa länkar

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Senast uppdaterad 2 april 2020

Diarienummer 2017-03391

Statistik för sidan