Validation of an innovative business model: Todcare, a childcare service for business and community benefits
Reference number | |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 300 000 |
Project duration | December 2017 - December 2018 |
Status | Ongoing |
Venture | Innovative Startups |
Call | Innovativa startups fas 1 hösten 2017 |
Purpose and goal
Todcare´s service has, through Vinnovas support, been validated and developed. Multiple companies have signed up for the service and are in the process of offering it to their employees. Insurance companies have shown a large interest in cooperating with Todcare, something we have decided to put on hold for now. Taking steps forward regarding cooperation with the municipality about supply, development and training of personnel has been a great challenge and cost a lot of effort. The institutions that have responded to us have shown great interest but not yet taken any steps forward.
Expected effects and result
We have reached the majority of our goals within the project, i.e. the number of signed up customers, the recruitment and education of personnel and the implementation of digital support. Delays from our larger company customers has led us to come up short with the number of families connected to the service so far. It is unfortunate, but since it is only delays we have great expectations regarding Todcare´s near future.
Planned approach and implementation
We are generally satisfied with the project´s realisation and effectuation, even though it has been far more time consuming than expected. Processes with the Swedish Financial Inspection, municipal cooperation and the recruitment of competent personell are examples of our biggest challenges. We have explored many promising alternatives where some have been fruitful and others not. Through this, we have come a long way and gathered knowledge that will be useful in Todcare´s future. We also chose to focus on larger customers which hopefully will lead to great results in the coming year.