Graphene Oxide Coatings for Water Purifying Membranes
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Coordinator | Grafren AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 295 000 |
Project duration | December 2018 - May 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Strategic innovation program SIO Grafen |
Call | 2017-05429-en |
Important results from the project
The main purpose of this project was verification of the possibility of graphene oxide nanomaterial to be used as a novel sorbent for heavy metal ions in the aquaous solutions and estimate its IP potential. As a result of the work conducted it is confirmed that graphene oxide flakes surface chemistry can be further optimised for increased metals uptake/capacity; it is shown that incorporation of graphene oxide flakes into porous substrate can be a vital solution for sorbent packaging, preserving high active surface area.
Expected long term effects
Graphene Oxide flakes were tested for metals absorption in a static mode and dynamic mode for model metals Cr and Sr, as most representative. Materials has demonstrated high metals removal capacity, ranged 0.2-0.45 g(Me)/g(GO) in static mode and resulted in efficient removal of pollutants by (43% - 90%) in dynamic state at different water flow (0.2 - 6 L/min per filter unit). Efficient packaging of the nanomaterial inside of porous substrates/membranes of polypropylene paves the way to product concept, for application of operational and waste water in mining/steel plating industry.
Approach and implementation
Literature search was performed by Grafren/LiU (WP1) to identify possible methods for GO membrane design. In parallel, the material was synthesized and its absorptive properties were studied in a static mode for Cr and Sr (Grafren WP3.1/EnvicSense WP3.2). After positive outcome of the measurements, the IP/FoO study was performed by Graphene, together with PRV, showing the way for further product concept development (WP2). Finally, the GO membrane was prepared by alternative method and its absorption ability was assessed in a dynamic water flow.