Reference number | |
Coordinator | Karlstads kommun - Kommunledningskontoret |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 400 000 |
Project duration | November 2015 - August 2016 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Idéslussar i kommuner |
Important results from the project
In order for coworkers to think about development and be innovative they need time and space from their daily routines. The needed time and space should come from the management since most innovative and challenging proposals often come from the employees. There is also a need for a working group that actively works to promote development together with the daily business. Where you can visualize the existing problems to be solved, spreading good ideas and solutions, and provide space and a forum where innovation can flow and then pushed out into and available for the entire organization.
Expected long term effects
While the idea hub was granted, another project also started with the municipality as a partner where a test bed would be developed. The projects started out far from each other but became more and more alike. A need to develop a model for creating and implement innovations in the public sector was in both of them. Since the projects became more and more like each other, we have decided to await the results of the project that still is running before we see the need to continue to work on a idésluss.
Approach and implementation
The time schedule made at the beginning had to be modified and postponed for quite some time when our project manager became ill and later long-term sick. We also had another project operated within the municipality that effected the planning as well since the resources in both projects was the same in similar workshops.