Seamless affordable assistive technology for health (SAATH)
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Coordinator | KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN - Skolan för elektro- och systemteknik |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 5 000 000 |
Project duration | January 2014 - March 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
Seamless affordable assistive technologies for health (SAATH), aims at bringing together robotics, mechanics and embedded systems/signal processing expertise to explore technology to support the aging population, taking into consideration that the technology is commercially viable. The project partners have succeeded in developing the components and its integration. Commercial conditions including SWAT analysis are made. End user requirements have been collected and resulted in a priority list of use cases.
Expected long term effects
These results include three sub-components: an exoskeleton, a smart stick, and a sco-sensor sensor, as well as the integration required for these components to interact. These components require the supply of electrical energy, so the project has also included energy harvesting methods. The effects of the project include scientific advances, a platform for increased research exchange between Swedish and Indian institutions and companies, and that research provided open source from the project has resulted in a product portfolio at the independent Indian company GT Silicon.
Approach and implementation
SAATH has worked jointly with a steering committee through regular teleconferencing, as well as annual workshops in India / Sweden. SAATH has included an extensive exchange of research staff from India to Sweden, and Sweden to India. In addition to several short exchanges in one to a few weeks, SAATH has also resulted in longer stays (one to six months) in both directions. Our analysis is that the layout was well-functioning thanks to committed individuals, a solution-oriented approach, and a humility and pragmatism to bridge cultural differences.