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Reference number
Coordinator Högskolan i Skövde - Institutionen för kommunikation och information
Funding from Vinnova SEK 250 000
Project duration December 2008 - December 2010
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The purpose of MoSiS (Model-driven development of highly configurable embedded Software-intensive Systems) is to address the central challenge that the embedded systems industry is facing right now; the need to provide highly configurable and adaptable systems of high quality in a fast and reliable manner. To achieve this, MoSiS has formulated the following goals: 1. Extending modelling languages, techniques, and tools for handling variability of both system functions and extra-functional properties 2. Standardising a variability modelling language 3. Extending current approaches for model-driven development to MoSiS systems 4. Evaluating & demonstrating results through industrial case studies

Expected long term effects

* The standardized MoSiS language for modelling and management of variability. * Best-practice processes for model-driven development of MoSiS systems. * Tool prototypes, mostly open source, which support the MoSiS language and the MoSiS processes. The results are applicable to all parts of the embedded systems market, and can be used by all industry.

Approach and implementation

The project is subdivided into four work packages (WPs). WP1 deals with management, technical co-ordination, exploitation and dissemination. WP2 focuses on variability language creation and ex-tension, as well as tool support. WP3 focuses on processes for modelling of embedded systems. In WP4 a number of case studies are performed. The project has four phases. An initial brief alignment phase, combining results from partners and other projects into a common starting base. Then there is the first major phase, producing the initial results. In the second major phase the final results are produced by each work package. At the end, there is a consolidation phase synthesising all work package results into a coherent whole.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 22 February 2022

Reference number 2008-04259