Integrative nano-Composites And Regeneration of the Eye
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Coordinator | Vironova AB (publ) |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 1 144 179 |
Project duration | December 2009 - March 2013 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The overall aim of the projekt is to use advance laser-based transplantation technologies, bioactive composite nanomaterials and stemcell therapeutics treat eye infections caused by herpesvirus. Vironova will contribute with their expertise in transmission electron microscopy to track and measure the virus titers after treatment and to characterize the nanomaterials developed.
Expected long term effects
1) New treatment modality for HSV and other neuropathic diseases of the eye; or conditions involving uncontrolled inflammation; 2) New bioactive materials for use as scaffolds in tissue engineering or stem cell and/or drug delivery; 3) New non-invasive imaging systems for long-term tracking of implanted NPs, materials or therapeutic cells; 4) A test laser system (breadboard model), which is able to remove HSK corneal tissue in a predefined way and is able to cut precise pieces of the nanocomposite materials. 5) LED-based photocrosslinking test device that works in the 400 nm range; 6) Range of photosensitized hydrogels that will allow incorporation of stem cells for repair and regeneration of damaged organs starting with cornea but adaptable to other targets. We anticipate entering clinical trials within 1-2 years of completion of this project.
Approach and implementation
The different projekt partners will perform research in their respective field of expertise; development of nonocomposite materials will be done by Liedberg (Sweden) and Veliokas (Lithuania), different bioactive nanomaterials will be developed by Golomb (Israel), development of therapeutic stem cells and animal trials will be done by Griffith and Fagerholm (Sweden). TEM imaging and analysis and laser-assisted surgery will be done by Vironova AB and MLase AG, respectively. The project will be coordinated by Griffith with the help of an administrative coordinator. Griffiths will also be the scientific director. A steering committee with representants from each partner with help from external expertise will follow the project.