Insatskatalogen 2.0
Reference number | |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 300 000 |
Project duration | April 2018 - January 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Social innovation - development and testing |
Call | Social innovation - step 1 |
Important results from the project
We have met our goal in terms of developing the tool ’Insatskatalogen’. During the course of the project we have already made changes to the search terms, the texts and the layout of the ’Insatskatalogen’. We have also developed a prototype that is a viable alternative to the current system and can be implemented relatively soon. Implementation of this prototype would make the tool much more user friendly and accessible than it is today.
Expected long term effects
It isn’t possible to show an effect on society during the course of the project. However, we know that there is a great interest in our work at local, regional and national levels. We have made contact with many different organsiations that we see as valuable relationships in our ongoing work. One of these is an Icelandic organisation called Janus who have developed an algorithm that can recommend suitable ways forward for socially excluded people. Linköping City Council, the University of Linköping and Experio Lab are a few of the other organisations that we have built relationships with.
Approach and implementation
The setup and implementation of the project has worked well overall. There have been days when we have been frustrated and haven’t been able to see how to proceed, but looking back we feel very satisfied with what we have achieved. It’s amazing to look at the material we have collected and see the volume of evidence and insights that our work has generated, which has laid a great foundation for our future work. We have carried out five in-depth interviews, 14 structured interviews, seven coordinators have completed diaries and we have done 10 observations.