iCare4 Fyrbodal - idea hub for collaboration to support innovation management within municipalities
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Uddevalla kommun - Kommunledningskontoret, Tillväxtavdelningen |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 4 000 000 |
Project duration | November 2016 - February 2020 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Idéslussar i kommuner |
Call | 2015-06987-en |
Important results from the project
The goal of the project was to stimulate systematic business development through employee-driven innovation, shared ideas and idea development processes in Fyrbodal for collaboration, utilization and growth. Prioritized aim in iC4F has been to create the conditions for municipalities to lead and organize in order to stimulate innovation capacity and competence development to strengthen innovative culture, leadership and develop methodological knowledge in 3 social services in Fyrbodal.
Expected long term effects
In summary, iCare4Fyrbodal (iC4F) resulted in a broader structure than an "idea hub". More of an “innovation platform” character. The structure is divided into 4 areas: 1 Strategic Management-support Development program Framtidsorienterat Ledarskap and SKR Tankesmedja (see film and invitation below). 2 Method support - Development programe Behovsdriven development (SKR Innovationsguiden). 3 Ideas and collaboration Process för idea-development supported of digital tool 4 Test bed - Started with 7 municipalities.
Approach and implementation
Parties in the project have been: Social / Care Management in Trollhättans Stad, Vänersborgs municipality, Uddevalla municipality, Fyrbodals Kommunalförbund, Innovatum Science Park and Entrepreneurial arena in Bohuslän and Dep. for sustainable growth, Uddevalla, has been project coordinator and been project manager. One challenge has been to create working groups within the respective municipality, which is a lesson for further implementation work.A link to the full description of the project can be found below,