Going into Politics: Female Entrepreneurs as Policy Entrepreneurs in Swedish Politics, 1990-2008.
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Coordinator | Södertörns högskola - Samtidshistoriska institutet |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 4 000 000 |
Project duration | October 2008 - December 2011 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The aim is to investigate the issue of female entrepreneurship on three political levels: national politics, municipal politics, and organizational politics. Through the analysis of network-formation, organization and actions of female entrepreneurs and ensuing results on a higher political level we may be able to explain the conflicts surrounding the development of special politics aimed at female enterprise.
Expected long term effects
On a short-term basis, we may contribute to new knowledge of the conditions of entrepreneurship, from a political and historical perspective. Within what political frameworks and structures do female entrepreneurs act, and what obstacles do they encounter? On a long-term basis we aspire to identify discriminating structures and institutional frameworks within political organizations, decision-making areas, and within mass-media. Our claim is that the combined studies of gender, media, policy-making and decision-making processes will reveal further structures and conditions with implications for female entrepreneurship. Through the highlighting and analysis of female participation in political processes we hope to improve future conditions for female entrepreneurs.
Approach and implementation
The project will make use of quantitative as well as qualitative sources and methods, including interviews, organizational protocols and minutes, state investigations, material from political parties and newspaper-material. Most of the project will be conducted 20092010.