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Evaluation of Nordic Summer Colloquiumon Advanced Steels (NSCAS) - Phase 3

Reference number
Coordinator Jernkontoret - Triple Steelix
Funding from Vinnova SEK 785 000
Project duration December 2016 - December 2017
Status Completed
Venture The strategic innovation programme for Metallic material

Important results from the project

NSCAS 2017 is a development of NSCAS 2015-17 with alumnis, scientific conferences, universities and institutes as partners as well as municipalities. An extended successful programme, in terms of planning and scientific/technical content. New contacts for R&D were created, as well as increased awareness of the region as attractive for jobs and living. The industry finds that NSCAS fulfills a need and the interest in a continuation is high, which is a strong base for a continuation.

Expected long term effects

Ten international graduate students, visited five companies and institutes who presented operations and development through lectures, discussions and guidance on the development laboratories and productions. Two alumnis participated. 4 did not come due to problems with visa. The corresponding communities were appreciated hosts. All the students met the criteria and level of knowledge aimed for. The marketing of an attractive region for engineers was successful also to the local community through media and municipalities.

Approach and implementation

The evaluation shows that the change of the program according to 2016 is successful. The industrial visits could be performed with a limited group with more precise match of the respecitve R&D.The preparation in presentation technique is essential as well as reflectaions of role in NSCAS. The evalutation was very postive with a recommendation to repeat and develop the concept. An active participation of Swedish PhD is desireable. A future potential is a global center for young scientists which would meet a need for net-working within specific fields.

External links

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2016-05020