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Exchange in advanced mechanical testing

Reference number
Coordinator SP SVERIGES TEKNISKA FORSKNINGSINSTITUT AB - Kemi material och ytor - medicinteknik
Funding from Vinnova SEK 130 000
Project duration December 2015 - May 2016
Status Completed
Venture The strategic innovation programme for Production2030

Important results from the project

The objective of the mobility project was to share experiences between an industrial PhD student at Saab Dynamics a researcher at Mid Sweden University and staff at SP would and to conduct tests related to OPTIPAM. Participation and implementation of testing allows combined insight of AM articles characteristics regarding design, process and materials. In practical collaborations between the partners, important contacts have been made which increases the possibility of exchanges within the present and future projects.

Expected long term effects

Through hands-on testing SBD´s industrial PhD student and researcher from MIUN have gained practical insight into advanced mechanical testing. For the industrial PhD student practical testing allows to better describe and understand the tests performed. This understanding has been reached and has great value when writing papers and PhD thesis and at the defense of the PhD thesis. Physical meetings and practical collaboration has made it possible to deepen the relations and increases the possibility of exchanges within the project and future projects.

Approach and implementation

The exchange was carried out for two full days when an industrial PhD student from Saab Dynamics and researcher from Mid Sweden University participated in practical testing with researchers and testing engineers at the SP Technical Research Institute. In addition to practical testing, obtained test results and applied testing methodology were discussed. Of course, only a limited exchange of experience is possible to achieve since each party sits on considerable expertise and knowledge in their respective fields but the project allows initial dialogue for further future exchanges.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2015-05828