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This is how computer workshops should accelerate Sweden's digitalisation

Published: 8 February 2023

Anders Frick

Data-driven labs have existed for several years and some of them have been funded by Vinnova, aim to increase the national capacity to use data in innovations. Now comes the next effort that complements the lab: Data workshops.

Data workshops are, simply explained, platforms that help data labs or individual data users with support in various forms. For example, it could be about being a support function for data sharing, helping with licenses, legal issues or something else entirely. The result of the workshop's work can, among other things, be APIs, language tools or cloud services that data labs or data users can use.

In the latest the call for proposals, the following workshops were granted money from Vinnova:

  • Data readiness workshop ( Coordinator: Lindholmen Science Park AB, AI Sweden)
  • Basic platform for data processing and analysis ( Coordinator: Statistics Sweden, Statistics Norway SCB)
  • Agrifood Data Workshop - Data workshop for agriculture and food ( Coordinator: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)
  • Dataright Innovation ( Coordinator: Lindholmen Science Park AB, AI Sweden)
  • Data workshop for regional and municipal open data ( Coordinator: Västra Götaland region)

At the same time, the following data labs also received money:

  • Ocean Data Factory Sweden ( Coordinator: Gothenburg University Department of Marine Sciences)
  • Nationellt Prehospitalt Datalabb ( Coordinator: The university college in Borås, PreHospen Centrum for Prehospital Forskning)
  • National space data lab 2.0 ( Coordinator: Lindholmen Science Park AB)
  • National code lab for sustainability and innovation in the food chain ( Coordinator: Grow Sweden oak for)
  • National forest data lab - AI, climate and forest damage ( Coordinator: Norwegian Forestry Agency)
  • Nationellt Logistikdatalabb ( Coordinator: Lindholmen Science Park AB)

See details for all project at the bottom of the announcement page for computer workshops and computer labs respectively .

In the coming time, a person will follow what is happening in the workshops and labs, and present the results on this microblog. The follower in question is called Anders Frick and has also previously followed the development of some computer labs. Those who are curious about how it went can take advantage of the e-book:

Data lab - for a smarter Sweden

The purpose of the follow-up is to create visibility and learning that will already be useful during the project period, and which in the long run will speed up Sweden's digitalisation.

If you have questions, tips or concerns, please feel free to contact the companion Anders Frick directly, via e-mail to or Vinnova's contact person Erik Borälv,

Here we go!

Text: Anders Frick

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