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Study of emissions at combustion of landfill gas with varying content

Reference number
Coordinator CLEANERGY AB
Funding from Vinnova SEK 1 961 300
Project duration June 2014 - May 2016
Status Completed

Important results from the project

The main objective of the project was to map the emissions and efficiency impact of varying gas composition in the combustion of landfill gas. This goal has been fulfilled by the tests performed at Chalmers. In order to fulfill the main objective different landfills have been investigated and measured in terms of gas composition and its variation. The outcome have been reported in a document by LTU and a report published by Cleanergy. The numerical work has resulted in a well-functioning method for CFD calculations together with a method for producing optimized kinetics mechanism.

Expected long term effects

In this research, we received a very positive outcome, both in terms of gas mixture variation from different types of landfills, but also an understanding of what the GasBox engine is capable of burning. Furthermore, the validation of 3D CFD calculations together with a working method to develop new kinetics mechanisms have been developed for different gas mixtures. Finally, Cleanergy further strengthened its cooperation with European universities (Belgium, Sweden) and institutions in Sweden.

Approach and implementation

The project was conducted as a collaboration between CTH, LTU and Cleanergy. The project management have been carried out by Cleanergy. Work-Package (WP) 2 has been carried out by a professor in LTH as well as a service guy from Cleanergy. WP3 has been carried out in the department of Fluid Mechanics at Chalmers where a postdoc was working on the assignment. CFD modeling of WP4 was performed by Cleanergy. Finally, AP5 was carried out in the department of combustion in CTH where the actual work was done by four students, a PhD and a research engineer.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 25 November 2019

Reference number 2014-02282