Smartphone dermatology system
Reference number | |
Coordinator | iDoc24 AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | January 2017 - June 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
Standardized workflows for malignant melanoma were supposed to be used on a regular basis in Sweden by 2016. In theses teledermatology is a component to be used. As a patient to use First Derm as a triage tool you now have the possibility to add a self referral if needed to get to offline face to face care. The goal was to increase patient and personnel awareness and usage teledermatology.
Expected long term effects
Triage via teledermatology should be a normal health activity by the citizens. The technology exists since many years but awareness is low. Th project therefore focused on communication. Faster, more available, more equal and better care throuhg eHealth. We estimated a total of 600 cases and 200 self referrals. We reached 900 cases and 63 self referrals, saving at least one life.
Approach and implementation
The goal to start to use self referral for those in need to reach regular care together with increased awareness for health care actors about the possibilities of teledermatology to increase efficiency and availability of healthcare. To achieve this we used regular media and PR as well as digital media. Also public screenings was used and to make available and visible the possibilities of teledermatology. The volume in Sweden increased during the 6 month period to close to 900 cases with 63 self referrals.