Resource efficent planning for competitive production networks (RePlan)
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Coordinator | Linköpings universitet - Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | December 2014 - August 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-Driven Innovation – Stage 1 initiation |
Important results from the project
The purpose with the project was to form a consortium and at a detailed level identify how a tactical planning solution should be designed to fit with food, mechanical, construction and recycling industries. Earlier processes and tools for tactical planning have been identified as developed for traditional manufacturing industries (food and mechanical) and are not possible to use within construction and recycling without changes. There also exist an interest for new solutions within tactical planning at consultants and system developers.
Expected long term effects
Today processes and tools for tactical planning are missing for the construction and recycling industries at the same time as the needs are great. E.g. of places where tactical planning will help are: 1) Lack of centralized control and common goals create competition within the network, 2) missed business opportunities due to difficulties of balancing demand and supply, 3) Large focus on the construction/recycling process and lack of focus on the logistics leads low resource utilization., 4) Lack of standardized way of working decrease information sharing and common goals.
Approach and implementation
Existing processes and tools have been identified through literature studies and discussion with system suppliers, there through have a platform for further development of these been identified and a systematic way of continuation. The needs and the use of tactical planning have been identified together with representatives for construction and recycling industry through workshops, interviews and internal work at the companies. Cases for test implementation have also been identified within respectively industry through interviews and discussions within the companies.