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Coordinator | Ecoloop AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 500 000 |
Project duration | June 2014 - March 2015 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Challenge-Driven Innovation – Stage 1 initiation |
Important results from the project
The aim of the project NÄRFISK 14 was to bring the NÄRFISK vision one step closer to realisation. The objectives were to strengthen the consortium and to plan activities in the two main areas production and market. The project has partially re-oriented its objectives and has been able to synthesize them better with (i) other on-going Vinnova projects, (ii) results obtained in the NÄRFISK TT project and (iii) coming Vinnova calls. A new objective is to go directly to commercial scale.
Expected long term effects
The project NÄRFISK 14 has resulted in the identification of two main desirable routes forward for NÄRFISK, (i) construction of a commercial RAS for pikeperch and (ii) establishment of a long-term test bed for RAS in cooperation with companies, academia and authorities. Profitability of a commercial RAS is heavily dependent on size and profit break-even is appr. 200 ton/yr production capacity. A test bed for RAS will need a strong societal support since the industry is very small.
Approach and implementation
The project NÄRFISK-14 was carried out in 7 work packages and lead by the company Ecoloop AB in cooperation with KTH, Chalmers, SLU, the institute SP, the companies Svensk Fiskodling AB, Kedjeåsens fiskodling, Nordic Water AB, Wallenius Water AB, Cerlic Controls AB, NFO Drives AB, as well as the Huddinge and Haninge municipalities and the administration of Stockholm County. Three workshops have been carried out during which strengthening of the consortium and activity planning were discussed.