Karakuri IoT
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Coordinator | Mälardalens högskola - Akademin för innovation,design och Teknik, Eskilstuna |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 270 640 |
Project duration | November 2017 - April 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | The strategic innovation programme for Production2030 |
Important results from the project
The objective of the pre-study project was to clarify the potential needs of Karakuri IoT from users’ perspective, as well as to examine technical feasibility of the modular systems. The project was intended to collect much knowledge related to the objective, so that a decision can be made later whether the potential and feasibility of the concept of Karakuri IoT and the modular system is large and realistic enough to proceed to a larger project whose aim is to realize the concept.
Expected long term effects
The pre-study have shown that Karakuri IoT and its supporting modular system have a large potential for users and that the modular system is likely technologically feasible. As a result of the pre-study, the decision was made to proceed to initiate a larger project. A projected founding was applied to the call Production 2030 cost effective automation and this was approved. The larger project starts 28th April 2018. A conference paper is currently written to present the concept of Karakuri IoT and the results of the pre-study project.
Approach and implementation
The project is driven by a multidisciplinary research team consisting of three researchers from Mälardalen University and RISE SICS Västerås. The researchers are specialized in kaizen and innovation in production, industrial IoT, and user experience, respectively. The development is carried out in cooperation with Volvo Construction Equipment. To fulfil the objective, the following three parts have been conducted; 1) a review of use-case reports describing the implementation of IoT in production in Japan, 2) two workshops at a partner company, 3) a technical feasibility study.