Implementing formative evaluation processes
Reference number | |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 118 235 |
Project duration | December 2018 - March 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The project highlighted the problems and opportunities that the adoption of a Formative Evaluation (FE) approach at Vinnova could raise. It would require developing a culture of trust within the organization, and the acquisition of knowledge, skills and other internal capacities to interact with external evaluators and participants, and manage conflict and power imbalances. There are opportunities for capacity building within Vinnova to transform its evaluation practices.
Expected long term effects
The project generated a discussion with Vinnova officials about a proposal for FE based on Transformative Innovation theory and principles. This discussion led to a full report developing a FE proposal, and detailing the implications of implementing a FE approach within Vinnova and for programmes like the Challenge Driven Initiative (CDI). The full report presents six evaluation principles, a generic theory of change for transformative innovation policy, and a discussion of specific implementation problems and opportunities.
Approach and implementation
The project was structured along two core activities. First, a review of essential background information, including academic literature on evaluation, documents about the Challenge Driven Innovation (CDI) programme and one of the funded projects (Forest Methanol -Skogsmetanol). Second, a one-day (6 hours) workshop held by the research team with six Vinnova officials from different areas. The workshop served for discussing and illustrating how a FE approach could be applied to Vinnova investments.