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Enable-simplify-scale up sharing

Reference number
Coordinator IVL SVENSKA MILJÖINSTITUTET AB - IVL Svenska MIijöinstitutet Stockholm
Funding from Vinnova SEK 300 000
Project duration May 2018 - January 2019
Status Completed
Venture Social innovation - development and testing
Call Social innovation - step 1

Important results from the project

We have in dialogue with the sharing initiatives tested which functions and designs best respond to the need of both commercial, public and non-profit actors and their users and examined the potential for three exponential technologies to contribute to the development of sharing. We have conducted interviews, user tests and dialogue with the users. We have developed the innovation idea based on the project´s insights and developed the details of how it could be implemented.

Expected long term effects

We see that the need and interest from the sharing actors is large depending on the design and price of the solution for them. More details can be found in the complete final report from the project. We talked in the application about the possibility to follow up the effects of sharing through Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Tax Agency. During the project, we have prioritized the contact with users and the dialogue with other stakeholders comes in a possible next step.

Approach and implementation

Of the four planned parts: round table discussions, exponential technologies, user tests and project management and analysis, it is mainly the first part that has changed. We choose to do interviews instead of stakeholder dialogue. Instead, we let users meet in dialogue in connection with the user test. We have received a lot of material from the interviews and the user test and a lot of suggestions for development paths for the solution from the users. We have narrowed and processed these, but many details remain as well as the issue of partnership regarding the continued development.

The project description has been provided by the project members themselves and the text has not been looked at by our editors.

Last updated 28 January 2019

Reference number 2018-01339