Castma - Joining of casted and extruded light weight alloys
Reference number | |
Coordinator | Swerea KIMAB AB |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 3 400 000 |
Project duration | September 2014 - November 2017 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | FFI - Sustainable Production |
Call | 2013-01927-en |
End-of-project report | 2013-05623sv.pdf(pdf, 329 kB) (In Swedish) |
Important results from the project
The aim with the project was to show possibilities to design new and lighter vehicles by being able to weld lighweight components of high pressure die cast and extruded materials. The project has shown that it is possible to produce weldable high pressure die cast lightweight materials. The main goal with the project has therefore been reached. The Project has also enabled 40% weight reduction, reduced manufacturing COSTs and CO2 emissions, and an active net work around welding of cast lightweight Components.
Expected long term effects
The project has generated new knowledge within the area MIG- and laser welding of high pressure die cast and extruded lightweight materials. The techniques have been demonstrated on selected high pressure die cast components taken from normal production (i.e. the components were not optimised for welding). Increased understanding of how the casting process influence the material properties and the weld quality has been reached. The results were presented at "Pressgjuteridagarna" in Dec. 2017 and are compiled in guidelines. These give valuable support for manufacturers and OEM:s.
Approach and implementation
The project was divided in different work packages led by Swerea KIMAB and Swerea SWECAST. In-depth literature study, tests with modified casting melt, simulation of the filling process in high pressure die casting, welding tests with different activities to reduce pore formation, tests with CT scanning, micro structure analysis and mechanical properties tests have been included in the project. The composition of the project group, with representatives from casting industries, vehicle manufacturer, material supplier, university and institutes, has been very succesful.