Analysing enabling technologies for safer small vehicles
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Coordinator | KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN - Farkost och Flyg |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 875 000 |
Project duration | March 2018 - April 2019 |
Status | Completed |
Venture | Traffic safety and automated vehicles -FFI |
End-of-project report | 2017-05517sv.pdf(pdf, 1101 kB) (In Swedish) |
Important results from the project
The project has studied how quad-bike rollover accidents occur and investigated the effect of a rollover warning system for drivers of quad-bikes and other small terrain vehicles, with the aim to evaluate concepts that can increase the safety of small rollover prone vehicles. The overall goal, to propose and analyse active safety solutions that can increase safety when traveling with quad-bikes and other small rollover prone vehicles, has been achieved. The project has also contributed with knowledge that can form the basis for commercialization of safety-enhancing accessories,
Expected long term effects
A rollover warning system has been developed to increase safety when traveling with small vehicles prone to rollover. The evaluation shows that the opinion of the majority of the test subjects is that the rollover warning system worked quite well or very well. The experience of the drivers is that the system gives a feeling of increased safety. A majority of the drivers during the second part of the test period have expressed a wish for the product to be on the market. Users and project participants have perceived that the safety of small vehicles can be increased in a desirable manner.
Approach and implementation
The studies have been done in collaboration with companies that train quad-bike drivers in safe driving, as well as companies whose employees use quad-bikes to perform their regular duties both on road and in terrain. Test equipment in different versions have been used and evaluation has been done through interviews with test drivers, questionnaires and observation studies. The results have been evaluated for the purpose of documenting the effect and usefulness of this type of equipment and has also provided basis for further development of the proposed safety-enhancing solution.