Adaptation of technology to lead-free brass alloys
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Coordinator | Swerim AB - Swerim AB, Kista |
Funding from Vinnova | SEK 3 500 000 |
Project duration | June 2016 - December 2018 |
Status | Completed |
Important results from the project
The main objective was to create conditions to phase out lead in Swedish produced brass products and to develop a circular system for lead-free brass through the whole life cycle from recycling to consumer. An overview of the impact for the industry to phase out lead has been created. Several production steps perform well while other are in need of further development before a total transition to lead free brass alloys will be possible. A concept for recycling and separation of lead from brass has been developed which is a essential condition for a circular system.
Expected long term effects
The results show that a transition to lead free brass alloys is possible. By investigating the whole life cycle and costume-made manufacturing, processing and recycling steps to the new materials, will the industry be able to create a cost and resource efficient production of sustainable brass products. The created excellence center will be a platform for further development within the area and an opportunity for the Swedish brass industry to establish international and environmental leadership and be prepared for new demands and tightened legislation concerning lead.
Approach and implementation
The project work has been performed in close collaboration between researchers and 11 Nordic brass manufactures over the entire brass value chain and life cycle. Including process- and material development for lead-free alloys, industrial adaption and recycling, Pb removal from brass scrap, usage and development of theoretical tools, laboratory investigations and field trials. All activities have been performed in parallel iterative processes. By this arrangement the entire value chain have been included; from raw material to manufacturing, usage phase and recycling.