FFI's annual report 2023

FFI's annual report 2023
Go directly to the reportFFI (Vehicle Strategic research and Innovation) is a cooperation program between the state and the automotive industry that since 2009 finances research and innovation in road transport. Each year, the state and the automotive industry together contribute approximately one billion kroner to funding via FFI.
The annual report describes FFI; its mission, organization, activities and results. During 2023, our five sub-programmes Accelerate, Circularity, Zero emissions, Traffic-safe automation and Transport and mobility services have had two calls for proposals. Data has been compiled for the year 2023, but also from when FFI started in 2009 in aim to get an overview of what the program has contributed to.
- Published
- 2024-March
- Series number
- VR: 2024:02
- Publisher
- Vinnova – Sveriges innovationsmyndighet
- Author
- Sofia Wieselfors, Malin Persson
- 978-91-89905-04-7
- Number of pages
- 40
Last updated 10 February 2025