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Autonom omkörning

Bidrag från Vinnova 500 000 kronor
Projektets löptid augusti 2015 - april 2017
Status Avslutat

Syfte och mål

The project goal was to experimental validate algorithms for autonomous overtaking. Experiments have been performed at AstaZero, where one autonomous vehicles have successfully overtaken a manual driven vehicle. Data from the experiments have been logged so that performance concidering computational speed of the algorithms, vehicle trajectories and other practical, and theoretical, apsects can be evaluated. These results will inspire further on this topic.

Resultat och förväntade effekter

The obtained results are expected to further promote the research and the development of algorithms for autonomous driving. This will be achieved by presenting the results in conferences and seminars, with the objective of establishing new academic and industrial collaborations and attracting new funding.

Upplägg och genomförande

The experiments have been designed by the research staff at the Mechatronics group of the Department of Signals and System of the Chalmers University of Technology. The experiments have been possible thanks to the resources of the Research Vehicle Resource (REVERE) LAB at Chalmers.

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Senast uppdaterad 8 maj 2017

Diarienummer 2015-03094

Statistik för sidan